Friday, 21 August 2009

One day Bus Traveling in KL

On 19 August i need try to take bus out to find out
the road of my working place form my cousin house....
b4 going out i should need go to uni first to summit the practical form...
Nowadays from my hostel to uni need RM15 already than two way is total RM30...because of that i try ask all my friends to borrow the bus card to uni....
if by taxi i sure that i very CHAM..
Finally i found a bus card form ST already no need waste my taxi money
because just want to summit a piece of
i go to uni early morning waiting my lecturer...
wait ar wait ar..start 830am till 930am++
at there also waste my time for waiting...finally i summit the form to her la...
setter 1st thing...
than i fast fast take bus back to hostel because i quiet rushing to out...
than my uni bus is not planing to going back...
so i try to wait an another bus..but is no other bus for me to back..
Finally one Black Guy call me said "Desaria" i think he want me to share the taxi money with him to back hostel so in the end i share with him la RM7.50..
for me la is very expensive, haiz but dint have other choice for me la...
after back hostel i faster give back the bus card for him..than back room take a good rest than at 1120am need take bus out...start at that moment i need start to enjoy my one day trip to find out of my bus road la...


T515 (Desaria-Puchong Utama) -U60 (Puchong Utama to IOI Mall) - 68 ( IOI Mall"Mini Bus with air-con" to Sunway Pyramid) - U63 ( Sunway Pyramid to Subang Business Center) / 99 ( Sunway Pyramid to Taipan 'Mini Bus' )

All this bus that i need to take if i still live in Desaria
but when start working i will move to my cousin sis house there at Petaling my bus road is

T623 (Kelana Jaya LRT station to Sunway Pyramid) - U63 (Sunway Pyramid to Subang Business Center)
This is the road that i want to take one

isit more easy than if i stay at my cousin house...just need take 2 bus only...if i stay at Desa i need take 4 ar...Walao ey...if every day like that sure i will tired till die..hahaha

B4 reach IOI there i am not sure how to go Subang there but last night i already research that how and what bus take i need to take to Subang Taipan there....
But i need to confirm that my searching is correct than i try to ask the bus driver
Ya BinGO...i am correct is take 99(mini bus)
on this time i still dunno got U63 one..

So firstly i take 99 fist to Subang there... reach there is around lunch hour time...b4 take lunch i try walk around there see have any food for me to choose and eat when i start working there...around there is not bad quiet a lot food stall i no need to scare that i din have food eat la..
but finally my lunch food is McD..lunch Mcd just RM5.95 set lunch
after lunch i keep walking around at there and try to ask ppl got any bus(rapidKl) back to Sunway Pyramid..finally i knew that U63..hahaha
i try to take U63 back to Sunway Pyramid..but i dunno where is the bus station...i keep asking ppl at there...finally i get the station back to Sunway la...

after back Sunway Pyramid bus station..i want to try take back again the U63 to Subang there because i need to know how long that i need to reach there...than when i saw a U63 i try ask got reach Taipan there or not...the bus driver told me that he din go there i fell so wired..
just now i take U63 back to Sunway here from there one ar..than now he told me that the U63 din have go there..i feel so confuse....hahaha
than i din trust him i wait other U63 than go up the bus in the bus is quiet less ppl one so i try to ask again the abang...the abang let me know
actually in morning U63 go turn in to Taipan there one because have many worker,
so have to trun in there just in afternoon they din have in there i just know...hahaha
than i follow the driver abang back to last station than take again other U63 back to Sunway there...
Finally i try all the bus already so i take back 68 to IOI that time is on 530-600pm already is traffic jam so i wait the 68 untill i feel bored...really want to die....i need bck to IOI from sunway than back to the end back to my hostel...

U guys guess wat time i reach my hostel///
wahKa Man~~is 930pm....
im damn tired one,,,
Mostlly all the ppl waste in waiting...
wait wait wait....
if want to life sure need
Eat - Work - Wait - Sleep...
This is human LIFE la...
I very TIRED for ONE DAY TRAVELING but i am happy...

Wednesday, 27 May 2009


这是一位17岁少女的创作。 不知道这个女孩的名字,但是能确认的是这个女孩已经离世。

爱情的真正内涵,也许就是让我们呼吸停暂,心跳加快,内心哽咽的 那些瞬间

闭上眼睛之前 我想对你说我爱你
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使尽全力 不想闭上眼睛

不能再陪你看日出 等不到天亮
所有回忆 抹去 却并不容易

闭上眼睛之前 我想对你说我爱你
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使尽全力 不想闭上眼睛

Har Ha~~~

闭上眼睛之前 我想对你说我爱你
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使尽全力 不想闭上眼睛


都 说处女座另类,双重性格,甚至有点神经质,其实原因只有一个,处女座的一切都要随自己外显的性格而转,姑且称之为'状态'。处女座状态好的时候,可以将自 己聪明、细腻、能干、温情、幽默、有内涵等优良品质完全外展,此时他们显得如此完美,光芒四射,并且可以表现得非常外向、健谈,容易与人打成一片(这本非 他们的性格)。而一旦处女座状态不好,便会变成另一个人,甚至非常窝囊,一事无成,不过通常此时他们都躲避外在的干扰,所以让人感觉有点间歇性自闭症)因 为同为水星守护,所以处女和双子一样善变,但双子善变的是心思,处女善变的却是情绪。


他 们想的是:与其很不自然地面对你,尴尬地和你说些无关痛痒地话,或是因和平时反差太大而被人说成表里不一,性格怪异,还不如先躲一阵子,等调节好了以后再 出来。所以,在与人交往中,他们只会和不得不交流的人(实在躲不掉)或是完全陌生的人(反正无所谓)交谈,而和熟悉的朋友反而疏远。


而 且,大家都知道处女座的人有严重的完美主义倾向,所以就有了所谓的\\'处女座的人最喜欢若即若离\\'。原因很简单:他只想给你一个最好最完美的自己, 而不愿让你看到他无助脆弱的一面。所以请记住,有时处女座对你冷,绝不是你说错做错什么,这是他们正常的生理现象,他们只是不想让严寒和冰霜伤害了你(可 事实上这种做法已经伤害)。不必难过,因为他们在乎你的话,他们的内心比你还要难过、自责和内疚!他们所能做的,只希望快点调整好情绪,回到你的身边。



关 于'花心'一般说来处女座绝不花心,忠诚是他们的代名词。异性关系多很可能是他们需要确定一个好人缘和自己有魅力,来反击那些普遍观点。一旦找到心中真 爱,他会呵护你一辈子,只要你能给他安全感,他永不背叛,心中眼中唯你一人。寻花问柳,红杏出墙这些事与他们绝缘(一是责任感所致,二是怕麻烦)。

关 于'聪明'不似双子灵活机巧,不象水瓶创意非凡,也不是天蝎的那种计画周密,处女座更多体现的是智慧。细腻、理性、好学加上十二星座里一流的洞察力和最强 的逻辑思维能力,处女座想不聪明都难。没事少在处女座面前信口开河,随意撒谎,很多伪纱他们一眼便能看透;也别跟他们玩什么心计,你玩不过他们的。处女是 那种可以把你卖了你还得向他道谢的类型。没事也少跟处女座辩论,他们没理也可找出理,甚至找出不止一条理来。处女是永远不会吃亏的。





关 于'逃避'由于处女座性格上的因素,他们通常会显得压力很大。当周遭的事物已无法掌控,或是自己的情绪无法调节好时,他们会疯狂地逃避,堕落自己,这种状 况通常对别人无害,却是伤害自己,让所有爱他们的人感到心碎。不过不用太担心,过一阵子他们自己会好的,他们天性的自我批判精神很快便会起作用。处女座一 般不会彻底堕落,堕落前可能都已留有余地,只是在等待着希望的来临。甚至有时堕落都是做给别人看的。




Monday, 25 May 2009

Thu is my grp turn presentation for history & culture

omg start on 2am till 530am..3&hlf hrs finish my power point..mine part oni...other is my frens parts one so i no time do for them ..tmr bck uni ask them do themslf..
omg my spa design ya....shit haven start do the board...still redenring omg..fell like cnt finish it...really shit ady.......i think i cnt do out the best work..shit agn damn it...omg...

Sunday, 24 May 2009

today is sunday ady..omg

today is sunday friday need summit the design work ady......i really feel so streesss.....i duno find who to talk...i really cnt tahan ady at here...everyday suffer assig..nt enought time for sleep...omg...i ady long time din go shopping ady... last friday went to class i saw other ppl work is vry nice and all is better than me one...i really duno hw..really wanna cry...i duno hw to said...really wana cry...i scare i will ipoh frens said me is a "super women"..even my best fren aso said like tat...act im nt becoz i knw myself..inside of me im a loser..
at uni here mny ppl stronger than me...even the ppl tat i hate jealous wth the person...y i cnt stronger than the person..
who can tell wat im wan to do...
in this sem im really feel nt happi..really nt is vry hard la...i took i can do it one...but i cnt do it...
parents send me here and study..spend alot money for me here to study...but then im like in the end cnt gv them somthing back..i get them nothing....shit..
hhaiz.........i wan go bck ipoh nw...i miss my frens there...haiz.....

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Two bad news in May and June 2009

Fist news is ..nowadays i know all the ppl ady knw abt AH1N1 this virus...In Malaysia nw is a 2nd case tat our malaysian ady infect by AH1N1.. And quiet serious one is at Ipoh there..i hear from my mum said ady 1 ppl die infect by AH1N1 at ipoh hospital...but according this news it is nt appear in the news...i duno y...Act wat happen 2 our government y dun want tell abt this bad news in the news... is nt fair..if they din tell ipoh ppl...ipoh ppl cnt take attention abt this kind of serious thing...i hope ipoh ppl nw will take care themselves... i hope the AH1N1 it can stop nw...away frm us...

2nd bads my boss frens Fong姨 ady pass away on last Sat morning 16/5/2009..i cnt accept it that she pass away...act her heart is ady poor...she hv Heart disease.
but that day she planing leave from hospital ady...she ady check out frm hospital.then her family aso on the way to hospital fetch her bck...but when her familly reach hospital...then the doct siad she ady pass away....omg hw come....haiz....
Fong姨 when she free she always came to my working place and chit chat wth us one...she is a good person and friendly aso...haiz...i really cnt accept it...i hope Fong姨 一路安详。。

recently really alot bads news around frm me...i hope all the bad thing far away for me....

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Last day for April...

Today is the last day for April...
hahah i skip the morning class today....hahaha..
because last night i din sleep so..i took i can after hearing the MYFM on this morning one then go to class...but then after leading down on the bed..then POPPSS~~~ after close my eyes..hohoh i sleep ady....hohohhooo..til i woke up..omg~~~~ayaii...

so i went the Eng class on this the weather not so hot..and got a bit raining..a bit only
ya i said today suppose summit the report one..haha i haven finish yet...huhuh~~~
then Ms yasmin tell us summit on this SAT...b4 1pm..if not she will -50% from our marks...omg.wat the hell man~~

2mrm is holiday..but i need 2 finish all my assig during the weekend here...
try my best la...
dont be lazy CATHERINE>>>hehehe

Frigthing wth my assig tats English REPORT...

I taking a nap at this evening, because at night i need fright wth my assi report till next morning... act this assig suppose summit on Thursday, but i think i cnt finish it lo...haiz...but my lecturer she is kind of best lecturer ,she allow us summit on this la....
Ms Yasmin luv u...hehehe
haiz.... i din ask for helping frm other ppl abt report..i knw my eng is so suck n very broken...but i tell myslf i should do it myslf....i must !!!!!
ayaiii just try my best la....eeee
Honestly, i vry vry scare...haiz....
nw i hearing MYFM here... i hear the “En Kuan Yu” advertisement ,she saying the 烦脑。。。有脑就有烦恼,别把烦恼当烦恼。。我的妈呀。。听到她说就想打她。。烦到要命~~~
haiz ~~
keep doing my report la....

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

At this moment i still facing my pc to do my assig here...

ASSIG~~~ AR~~~AR~~~~
I hearing 988 and doing my assig also...i very like 988 -1001 this channel..if u guys feel bored at night...u guys can go and hear 988-1001 frm 9pm-1am...
2 night the story frm 988 quiet normal..ntg surprise and ntg touching story...ya juz the radio...i hear some one sms 2 dj ask abt ID course ..she asking is hard 2 find job in the future frm ID course...then in the end i try 2 sms 2 988 said smtg abt ID course,and give some comment to the girl tat asking abt the prob....haha but honestly no need 2 worry abt find job...tats is a lot opportunity 2 find ID job and also the salary also nt bad ooo around rm2000+ "NO BAD OOOO" ....ery...i hear a song called "下星期要去YING国" then i suddenly think, ya i wanna go new york soon for the holidays tat coming soon one...i hope it will y i suddenly wanna go new york ler...because i feel so tired here i need go and charge my body battery...i ned traveling ...i wan traveling ar........i wanTTTTTTT~~~~
Act is my mum frens ask me go n visit her at NY there...she tell me she wan to retire ady...i quiet surprise that she said want to fast ooo... she ady ask me visit her frm last 2 yrs ady..until nw i still haven go n visit her,,,i think she want 2 start angry abt me y till nw dont want go visit the NY.hahaha so every time when she email 2 me, also ask me a same question...i also quiet bored tat she keep asking this time i make a decision visit her at NY there...haha but now the prob is don't so hapi fst la....because ned do alot of thing...such as ready some document..and bra bra.. Oopps ya important is the VISA>>>>> this one is quiet hard to setter i hope it were success....

Tuesday, 7 April 2009


台湾歌手阿桑因患乳癌病逝 年仅34岁


带着《叶子》与许玮伦天堂相见 2007年2月演员许玮伦去世,阿桑听闻许玮伦生前最喜欢她演唱的《叶子》,于是在博客中这样写道:“实在令人惋惜她(许玮伦)就这么离开了,世事无常。这一切让人感受如此透彻。虽然我从未见过她本人。我相有天堂这个地方,善良的人最后都会去的地方。现在的你已经往那个方向去了带着许多人满满的祝福包括我!”没想到两年后,阿桑带着《叶子》与许玮伦在天堂相逢。

天堂唱歌 给善良的人听...

Saturday, 21 March 2009


Today i woke up around 2pm....wahsei.. as ppl said wah 太阳晒屁 了还没起来啊啊~~aiyoo~~~
WAit y i woke up late bcos i ady no sleep well at 1 week ady....bc suffering my stupid design assg...haiz during the time 2 do the "staircase" i really wana 2 cry n go 2 die ar... b4 v summit our homework v gt tutorial wth the lecturer everything she reject my idea...haiz at the first time i gv her 2 see my ideal she nt agree me but then she din gv me idea 2 help my design juz ask me mny que...Where it cum la?.. When isit la?... Wat is tat la?... Hw cum la tat la?..... i really wana 2 kill her la... when we start tutorial wth her ooo...i discovery she lk Botswana student..if they dun hv idea she wil direct gv idea 2 them but then she din gv us(Malaysian) n she ask us mny mny fucker que...tis is first tat i dun lk her...then is my turn 2 tutorial wth her...i tell her my idea n show her wat i done n wat i sketch...then v talk talk talk in the end she ask me mny que aso...i duno hw to ans it..start at the moment as a human la...when v duno hw 2 ans the que v were feel scare one mar.....rite? the end she scolded in front of the student....k fine...i accept wat she scolded me,maybe i not done it vry well , i try 2 do it well again....k fine....on tat time i think is k, she is a new lecturer in thiz cllg n aso is our year leader in this i gv her face n talk nicely wth her n aso siad sori wth her..... i gv her FACE.....lo...

Then second time tutorial...i changer my painting 2 my design then she ask me "Y u change it?"Then i said bc i change tiz painting can gv me other idea n inspiration to do i change lo.....then she scolded me again as a design can not lk tat ...har,,,,having a prob then dun wan 2 setter it n bra bra~~~~~~~~........wat the hell ar.......fuck.....then when i tutorial wth her is around 6pm a student la...6 smtg still at the cllg is not vry well ady.....then she dun let me go then she said sit at n think other idea of the design wat fuck again omg...."wo de ma ya"......she din let me go home ae~~~then at this i start affair ady..then sudd my father call me hey gal bck home ady ar?then i juz said still at sch...dol~~i off the ph that moment i fell wana cry ady...omg i really cnt 2 stop think i dun wan 2 finally i aso crying ady....i crying without sound la....then i said i wana go home ady...i try 2 dun wan face her,,bz i dun wan let her knw i crying,,,bt she din let me go n ask me mny que...finally i think she knw me cry i dun care abt my brain i juz said wat the fuck of this ar.....on tat time i really wana go n die (bunuh diri) bt then i fell lk nt fair 4 me u knw..i cnt bc of tiz design n fucker thing n fucke lecturer go die der finally i start crying on the bed.......i fell vry sad is damn i take courage 2 call my bro n talk to him....on the next day he cum n visit me n try to help me....THkz bro..thank you so mush 4 ur helping....

And then 3rd time tutorial, she bra bra bra~~in the end she approve i start 2 do my design..... n aso the model....i spend mny time 2 do well my yesterday Friday is our summition day. on Thu night i still doing the design everything so din sleep gt tak a nap la... so till 230pm v go 2 sch 2 summit the design...v took can leave when ady summit then she said cum bck at 5pm n collect the model bck....eeee y ned 2 wait again.....v ady vey tired i took can go bck n then eeeeee v wait until 6 the lecturer hvn finish making.......v wait ar wait ar wait till sleep ady....finally she finish making then she call us going to 2 class.....can u guess wat she said o nt...she said OUR WORK IS VRY "SUCK"!!!!!!!!!! hey as a lecturer hw cum can said lk tat the 'SUCK' tis word ar....she scolded us....around half an hrs....she ask us 2 drop this sub n no ned go n practice 4 next sem....she said she gt power 2 get us cnt practice on next sem....wat the hell of the lecturer ar.....

AIYO~~~~i wana crazy ady la....mon-fri i see her 4 time in a week ar....i really cnt tahan dia ady.....i really scare abt my tiz sem ,nw i ady fell lk i nt vry smooth 2 pass my tiz sem.....hw ler~ wat can i do nw????

Sunday, 1 March 2009

First blog in 2009

WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!I come bck 2 kl ady lo......ned 2 start a new sem again.i ady sem 4 in this yrs..when i go bck 2 sch n go in 2 class,its look lk very thing is changer.i duno y i got tat feeling....haiz..after tis sem v ned go to practice on next sem..i feel lk vry subj of this sem is vry hard...i scare in the end i will fail some subj lk tat,,,i hope is nt la...juz i try my best 2 do it well la....Haiz in this sem almost lk everyday i ned wake up early 2 schl ler...eeeeeeeee bad la...9am until afternoon 4-5 pm smtg haiz haiz sad sad....eeeeeeeeeeee my life nw is lk highway!!!~~~

Then i aso changer my hostel room old room rented 2 other ppl..haiz i cant take bck my old room..i more like my old old room there is more free than new room here...important thing is the kitchen...bcz i cook then my new housemate them aso cook 1, so make me seldom cook at kitchen so sometime will late 2 eat dinner.if i at my old house there i can cook anytime when i hungry or nt hungry aso can....bc the old house nobady cooking 1..hahaha bt nw i juz can do lk tat lo...

I hope in this sem.everything will be fine...pls ....must will be fine....God bless me Oooooooo.......