Tuesday, 29 March 2011


In the early morning...
i try to release lately of me towards to blog here...
But then than bad luck one...
Because the internet is poor like hell...
Some more no responding...
Then after clicking the button for 'publish post'...

Internet system down....
My post is gone~~~

Actually i got one habit before i posting my post...
Is i will copy the words before click the 'p.post'
But then dunno what happen today...
I think i release too much already...
And quiet sad when i am doing blogging....
Then forgot to do the copy...

In the end i really can't found back my draft...
Totally can't...T___T!!!
Some more can't log in to the blogger anymore...
The menu bar is disappear...

So i can't do anything...
And no mood to write again the story...
So giving up for it...

Friday, 25 March 2011

Hostel Bathroom

 My hostel bathroom...

Left side the water come out from the tab more than the right side...@.@!!!

This already happened 3 days...
Already report to the office and called them 100 times already...
But then still no yet come to repair it...

Is very bik chek...
When a person taking bath...
then the water is coming out abit only...
Sure beh syok la...
If tmr the guy haven come yet..

Is time for me to score ppl la...

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Durians TIME~~

Last night whole night din sleep...
Because need to rush my assignment...

But then i beh tahan then got go an nap for 1 hour...
In the end...
I am the last person who woke up late in the house...
I quickly woke up to brush my teeth and wash my face...
After finish washing...
Actually i no yet awake...
I think because the water no cold enough...
Can't make me awake...

Then when i walking to kitchen make a cup of MILO...
Pearlyn siad: Cat, 你脸很臭哦!!!
Hahaha..Actually is true...
Because really dun feel like wanna attend the class...
But then i am responsibility student...

This is the morning sky view after raining at 8.55am...
Blue Sky White Cloud

Back from uni around 2pm...
I directly go for nap...
I thought will woke up by alarm @ 6pm...
But then dunno who help me off it already...@.@!!
Finally automatically woke up at 8pm...

I decided went out to night market @ pulau meranti...
Bought some vegetable, tafuha, and Durians~~
I am very excited when i seeing the durians...
Hahaha, finally bought it home...

Rm 10 for 3!!!

 Taste GOOD!!!

After bought it home...
I only realized i din have tupperware to keep my durians...
Then i go and get 3 of the 饭盒 from abang (hawker of outside desaria) to keep my durians...

It has around 25biji in 3 durians, quiet a lots!!!

Finally all of it done by me!!!


Tuesday, 22 March 2011




肚子叽哩瓜啦地 。。。


Tuesday, 15 March 2011


●1~3天的 礦泉水 x1 -逃難或被困時食用

●1~3天的 乾糧、糧食 x1 -逃難或被困時食用,可放一些糖果、超熱量巧克力

●中小型手電筒 x1 -用來照明,裡面先裝好電池

●電池 x2 -手電筒用電池,最好準備2份

●身份文件 x1 -身份證、健保卡、行照、駕照等證件

●錢與存摺 x1 -要放現金3000~10000元在包包內(零錢和鈔票都要有),還要放存摺

●健康藥品 x1 -如胃藥、感冒藥、小護士、優碘、止痛藥、消炎藥

● 通訊設備 x1 -如大哥大、無線電

● 打火機 x1 -可用來點火

●你認為重要的東西 x1 -很重要的東西一起塞進去吧!


● 繩索 x1 -跳樓或緊急逃生用

● 面紙、生理用品 x3 -放個幾包逃命時衛生用

● 鐵鎚 x1 -最好帶一支鐵鎚,說不定被困在大樓用來殺出重圍

● 緊急聯絡通訊錄 x1 -列出親朋好友的地址、電話,逃出重圍時也可有地方住

● 迷你雨傘、輕便雨衣 x1 -下雨時或颱風來時,就要有用具吧!

● 衣服與褲子 x1 -各放一套進去,以免天氣不好-冷死-總要穿衣服吧!


● 拖鞋和布鞋放旁邊 x1 -最好能直接套進去一穿就起來,不要綁鞋帶最好!

● 準備另一隻手電筒 x1

● 口哨 x1 -被困時,可發出聲音求救,無力時也粉有用因為只要用小小的力氣就可發出很大的聲音求救

● 口罩與防毒面具 x1 -可防止災區疫情及病毒、瓦斯等毒氣、粉塵

● 小型安全帽 x1 -小心頭被壓到用,保護重要頭部


Monday, 14 March 2011

A grops of beaty 师奶 and 2 guys

First time went back to pasar borong after i am back from ipoh...
This time have a bit different feeling...
Normally i went there no more than 3 people...
But this time we have 5 pretty girls and 2 guys...

Step into the pasar there is quiet a lot of people...
Oopsss forgot to telling this pasar borong is 24 hours...
And don't feel weird why go pasar at night...
Then Pearlyn's friend - Andy(act i'm not sure what is his name till this moment) =.=!!
said he want make us a dish sour cream prawn (奶油虾)...
Then we went to choose which stall of prawn is fresh and cheap...
Actually we quiet noise, hahaha pai sei~ pai sei~
The prawn boss also feel headache...hahaha

This Big.. This Big.....BIG~~~
That one CHEAP...That one CHEAP...
This one is fresh~~
Finally~~ we bought 1/2 kg prawn...Rm 8.5
Okey what~~haha

Then is time for me to 扫菜(buy vegetable)...
Finally i bought 5 types of vegetable, 1 chicken, 1kg pack of  potato (share half with joanne)...

From Step's facebook picture there..she said i was flirting with the potato man...
Huhuhu~~ so sad =.=!!!

Tomorrow night is sour cream prawn night for c-1-10 ....
hohoho we 有口福啦~~

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Earthquake again


Tsunami Alert for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others. Waves expected over the next few hours, caused by 8.9 earthquakes in Japan.
 Many reasons for the formation of the tsunami, landslides, undersea volcanic eruptions, meteorite impacts and even the sea can cause tsunamis, but undersea earthquake that triggered the tsunami, the most common.

The Japanese plant was damaged by Friday's 8.9-magnitude earthquake
Which sent a 10-meter (33-foot) tsunami ripping through towns
And cities across the northeast coast
Japanese media estimate that at least 1,300 people were killed.

How sad is that???
So, do u believe 2012 is coming soon?

My answer is if really come...
what can i / we do?

I only can said is

Hope everything is fine...

Because we cant do anything....
If one day 2012 tsunami is coming,
I am sure Malaysia no need 10 mins
It can cover by the water ady~~

Malaysia Disappear~~

Friday, 11 March 2011

My furture

This semester i have 4 modules to go...

1. Interior Architecture 242
2. Environment Study and Services 242
3. Research Methodology 341
4. Option ( Intro to Info / Landscape Planning ) 
   ( Because it is a elective subject so i am not confirm which i want to choose)

Last semester is not that heavy then this semester, this time is more stress for it..
I think it is because of  Research Methodology....
Following this subject we need to do design research for the topic that we choose our-self...
Then for our final semester next sem, we need to keep continue our part two job which is design...
Which is the topic that i choose rite now, i cant change anymore for my final semester design project...
I am not so confidence to choose what topic of issue of my final design...//_<

Stress again is, this semester have another exam for Environment Study and Service...
Actually i very hate exam in my life...
I think no one like exam...
Totally feel mad when get know have to exam....

But happy is i only have 4 days classes Monday to Thursday...
Following the schedule mostly i can back home after lunch hour...

Today in Research Methodology class,  Ms Christine ask us about our "future"...

The story that i share is:

I believe "design" never end in this world...
I believe "design" can change everything....
I ask myself for 3 question...
This 3 question is always ask in design...

1. Why
2. What 
3. How

1. Why i choose interior design course?
    It is because i am growing up in a non-healthy family. When i was kids, I always thinking even u have a bad family over there, if the interior space design is warm, everything will be change~~ I believe it!
For example; color...It is a big effect for human eye visual. Like a woman get any gift in red color, she will feel the 'LOVE'...

2. What is Design?
    Actually 'design' have many way to explode it...it not just for interior design, it still have advertisement design, product design, web design, and many many...But "Design is a magic" ...

3. How u feel?
    My feeling for design sure is exciting and great~~ I proud of myself can be a designer in the future...I can create something out to make people feel happy and it was in useful~~ Example; i can design out of one furniture and in the future some one will buy my idea then i can make more money...hahaha or be popular one day because one of my furniture design~~

But in the end, i want to said is rite now i set to be a architecture designer for my life job, but no one will guaranty what will be happen after 20/30 years...Maybe i will be a excellent chef or others that...Important is what ever we do, we need to try our best(max) to do everything prefect...

Monday, 7 March 2011


It is really great, should go and watch once...

And i just  get knowing from my friend,
When a human no enough water in the body,
It will be a  lot of imagination in our mind...
Oh..icicic, this is true!!!

Feelings for me this movie,
U never expect how powerful human having,
when a human facing die until last mins...

So, when u/me facing problem...
Must try to find out solution,
If really din have solution,
We also can't give up,
We need and must persist until last mins...
If we believe,
It will success...


Saturday, 5 March 2011

Worth It ...

05 Mar2011

I miss to take picture of today sun view (hands are busying for driving)…
One is on this early morning when I went out for my job at 0800am…
And this evening when I went off of my job at times-square…

Today both of sun view are very beautiful…
Both are in red, orange and yellow color …
And the suns are in fully square share…
Really, really, really, beautiful…
No cloud blocking…

I wish to have chance to take again how beautiful is the sun view over there…

This times same as usual to help my fren-May in her event as my freelance job…
This time event not huge like last time…
But I got learn some new thing again (happy)…

Different job sure get some new experience(when take true heart to learn)…
Did u agree what I am saying (hahaha)…
And what u learn or what we make wrong this time…
Next time must get improver…
Do it more better than last time...
A different job with different gains.
The level of experience and knowledge has improved...
Everything is value, worth it...

This event is -MSI IDO 2011 《MSI IT 精灵 2011》

Feel free to visit -http://www.facebook.com/MSI.Malaysia.Fanclub-

Last week we doing road show at puchong area, selangor area, and kl area...
Today is semi final...pick 10 of contestant in 15 ppl go into final...
And today the talent show some of girls are doing great job...

Next 2 weeks is their final at sungai wang @ 2pm
Welcome to have a look the 10 hottest girls~
If u not interest in hottest girls...
Nvm, if u interesting in taking photo...
Is time for u to show off yr camera...
It has a lot of professional photography here...
All in professional skill...

By the way,
Good luck for the 10 girls...

Good Show!!!